Topolobampo Colony Locations

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This map depicts the various locations associated with the Credit Foncier Company Colony in Sinaloa, Mexico.  The map itself is from the Special Collections Research Center, Henry Madden Library, California State University, Fresno.  It shows the area from Topolobampo Bay to Sufragio, where the two thousand colonists who moved to Sinaloa in hopes of creating an ideal society settled in several locations through the years of 1886-1904.  It traces the satellite colonies as they spread out and popped up around the Bay, and offers information about each camp.  Please note that the locations on this map are approximations, mapped from the information available in the records and accounts of life in the colony.  They are best estimates intended to give the visitor of this site an idea of colony life at Topolobampo, but are in no way definitive.