Owen's "Never" Principles

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Un nino y el burro para llevar leña

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This document is part of a larger piece, “Don’t! Never!! And Always!!!,” wherein Owen emphasizes the “Never,” reiterating a few of the underlining principles of his socialist utopia, Topolobampo. Among the things he emphasizes are to “[n]ever forget” that no one has been required nor asked by The Credit Foncier Company to travel to Topolobampo bay – that people who have moved have done so of their own volition. Inhabitants of Topolobampo are to also never forget that the viability of this utopia rests on services. This part is especially stressed, Owen implies, is because such a truth is easy to forget while occupying the beginning stages of building Topolobampo which depends on business transactions and money. At one point in the text, Owen quotes Galatians 5:9, reminding readers that “a little leaven leaveneth the whole lump” which essentially conveys that one act of either selfishness or cooperation will reverberate throughout the whole. He stresses that people take advantage of the latter and cooperate with each other so that their good example will be contagious. Co-operation begets Co-operation. An additional thing Owen discusses is the idea that citizens of Topolobampo should never be idle – free time should either be directed towards building or finding resources that can build.